
Logo design for a Toronto-based AI research organisation

Landing page mockup with the logo.

Landing page mockup with the logo. is an AI research group based out of the University of Toronto with a focus on deep learning and neural networks. The design of the logo was inspired by the group's love for Blade Runner and the use of contour maps to represent probability distributions in AI research.

Using seaborn, a data visualisation library for Python, the initial goal was to create a flexible logo based on our ability to generate an infinite variety of contour maps and colour palettes. However, given's current priority to establish its name and build recognition, we settled on a typographic logo that incorporates one single contour map.

The final contour map was selected from dozens for its satisfying fit within the O, and the palette was also generated using seaborn after rewatching Blade Runner. We chose open source typefaces from Google Fonts: Rajdhani for its futuristic, slab-like strokes; and Space Mono for its balance of round bowls and rectangular serifs.

Dark and light variations of the logo.

Dark and light variations of the logo.

Contour maps generated with Python.

Contour maps generated with Python.

Colour palette inspired by Blade Runner and generated with Python.

Colour palette inspired by Blade Runner and generated with Python.
